Finding a More Excellent Way
12 IHOPKC Doctrines & Practices to examine
“Hold Fast to That Which is Good”
This paper does not address the sexual sins of anyone at IHOPKC. I am writing this to help many of my friends and other faithful Jesus Followers. Talking, reviewing and praying can help the Holy Spirit bring us to the truth about the Doctrines and Practices of IHOPKC.
As a pastor, I feel talking about different interpretations and different teachings that may be in error is a good thing. Only in a very strict and controlled environment (cult-like environment) is an open discussion discouraged. I teach all Christians to ASK any question they have. Confront their teachers with graciousness and courage. Be loving but address anything you need to address.
So, here are 12 doctrines or practices that you may want to ask God about, if you were at IHOPKC. Because some of these ideas were thought to come directly from God, reviewing them may be hard. But it is a healthy spiritual practice for everyone to do the following.
Do not despise prophetic utterances.
But examine everything carefully;
hold fast to that which is good;
abstain from every form of evil.
I Thessalonians 5:20-22
1. BROKEN TRUST – Processing the effect of Mike Bickle & IHOPKC leadership’s failures.
2. Examining the practice of having church meetings WITHOUT being the church. Mike started IHOPKC saying, “We are not a church, and I am not your pastor.”
3. Examining IHOPKC leadership organization and practices
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4. Examining the Sad Stories when the Holy Spirit was stopped, because of the lack of Divine Order.
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5. Testing the Doctrine, “Jesus should be worshipped 24/7 from one location by one group.”
6. Testing the doctrine of “Hitting DELETE” to repent, without “turning from sin.”
7. Testing the teaching and practices about money.
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8. Testing the hidden motives of leadership – their concern about their “Legacy”
9. Testing the Practice that It is OK to lie, deceive and twist the truth for God and the Prayer Movement.
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10. Testing the practices of the 20th Century Mega Church – Bigger is Better
11. The practice of using The Prophetic History to build a church or Movement.
12. Is the Prayer Missionary a Biblical Ministry or created by Mike to Fund the Prayer Room?
Real servant leaders want to be questioned and challenged. Be gracious, because maybe you are mistaken or just wrong. But love your leaders enough to overcome fear and help stop confusion or identify bad practices in your group.
God wants us to follow Jesus and not any man or man's special interpretation of what God wants.